Enough to Share Food Pantry Drive

We are excited to announce our upcoming Canned Food Drive, a fantastic initiative aimed at making a difference in our community. All students and parents at Mohammed Schools of Atlanta are invited to participate! The drive will be organized by school levels:

- **Elementary**: October 9-13

- **Middle School**: October 16-20

- **High School**: October 23-27

During their respective weeks, each level is encouraged to bring at least two or more canned food items to their classroom. Our goal is to have each student bring at least 2 canned food items. As a token of our appreciation, each participating student will receive a Moki Pop.

Collection boxes will be placed in each classroom at the elementary level, and items will be counted and then placed in a big barrel to be taken to Masjid on the last day of the elementary drive. We'll maintain a running total of donations each day. Middle school and high school will follow similar procedures with collection barrels located at their entrances.

We aim to gather at least 250 non-perishable food items in various categories, including cranberry sauce, macaroni and cheese, canned corn, spaghetti, jelly, stuffing, rice, stewed tomatoes, dried beans, and more. However, any food item is appreciated and needed to support those in our community who are facing food insecurity.

Every student who participates will be rewarded with a ticket to receive a Moki Pop after school on Wednesday, October 31. We will set up the distribution of ice cream in the elementary school cafeteria, where students can grab their ice cream on the way out.

We are also looking for a small group of high school students and parents to assist with the drive. Your help will be invaluable in ensuring the success of this initiative, from securing the food drive box in a classroom each day to counting and maintaining the daily running total of donated items.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer your time to help, please don't hesitate to contact Marsha El-Amin, Brenda Rasheed, or Linda Abdul-Azeez. We would love for parents to earn volunteer hours while making a positive impact on our community.

Let's come together as a school community to support those in need and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, will help us reach our goal and leave a lasting impact on our community.


Closing the ATTITUDE Gap


Principal’s Note