Mohammed Schools of Atlanta Consultative Board
Working For Growth
The Consultative Board of the Mohammed Schools of Atlanta reflects both shared decision making and traditional non-profit models. Board members are recruited by the Board and Majlis Ash-Shura and appointed by the Majlis Ash-Shura. In addition to skills and talents needed to efficiently operate the Mohammed Schools, potential Board members have demonstrated a desire to implement the mission of the school and a commitment to be actively involved in the decision making process needed to sustain and propel the school forward.
The school’s policies are determined by an appointed body of advisers called the Consultative Board of Advisers. The Consultative Board of Advisers, appointed by the Majlis Ash-Shura (governing body of the Atlanta Masjid) are appointed once every two years and includes members of the Atlanta Muslim community, including at least one alumnus of the school and one parent. The voting positions of the Consultative Board include advisers of chair, vice chair, personnel, plants & facilities, curriculum, school & community affairs, budget and finance, secretary and public relations & marketing. The non-voting positions include director and principal of the Mohammed Schools alumni representative and president of the IPTA (Islamic Parents and Teachers Association).
Consultative Board Minutes
Minutes for previous meeting are available upon request. Email us for more information.
Request to Speak to the Board Here
Interim Consultative Board
Board Position Descriptions
The Chair shall support the operation of the management but not be involved in the Schools routine administration. Call and preside at all meetings, shall act for and on behalf of the membership of the organization, shall appoint any special committees necessary for the operation of the association business and shall act as official spokesperson for the organization. Supervise the operation of the Board to ensure its effectiveness and independence from the management. Encourages board’s role in strategic planning. Serves as ex officio as a member of committees and attends meetings when needed. Reviews with the Majlis liaison and the Director/Principal any issues of concern to the board. Determine, together with the Director/Principal, the meeting agenda as per the Board’s duties and responsibilities. Formally evaluates the activities of the Director/Principal with the Board, and informally evaluates the effectiveness of Board members. Serve as an effective Chairperson of the Board’s meetings. Evaluates annually the performance of Mohammed Schools of Atlanta in conjunction with the Board, in achieving its mission. Signs all Mohammed Schools of Atlanta personnel contracts. Prepares and submits updates to the Majlis. Plays a vital role in encouraging Director/Principals’ compliance with the scope of duties and responsibilities required of the Board, laws, policies, and procedures.
Vice Chair
The Vice Chair shall, in the absence of the Chair, assume all the duties of that office and shall be responsible for publicity and notifications of meetings of the organization which includes assisting the Chair in carrying out important tasks, standing in place of the Chair when they are absent and acting as a go-between for the Chair and the other board members. The responsibilities can include preparing for board meetings or communicating new policies to other board members. If any problems occur among board members, it is often the role of the Vice Chair to discover the facts of the situation and report back to the Chair. The Vice Chair assumes the role of Chair, usually temporarily, and can make organizational decisions after receiving feedback from the rest of the board members.
Chair of Board Administrative Activities
The Chair of Board Administrative Activities shall keep a permanent record of all formal meetings and all legal documents and legal transactions of the association. The Chair of Board Administrative Activities shall transcribe the minutes of each meeting and shall maintain a file copy of the same and submit a copy of these minutes to the Chair. The Chair of Board Administrative Activities ensures the scheduling of all board functions to include meeting, events, audits and duties are kept current and documented accordingly.
PR & Marketing
PR & Marketing shall inform the community, members, and other relevant parties about Mohammed Schools of Atlanta while providing guidance and support for both internal and external initiatives and communication strategies that promote and enhance the mission of Mohammed Schools of Atlanta. This includes enhancing the reputation and increasing the visibility of Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Assumes responsibility for media promotion of the school in the broader community.
Maintain contact with media resources to remain updated on relevant educational programming and resources for Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Manages mechanisms to update community on board and school activities and major decisions.
Establishes and maintains ongoing relationships with local legislative bodies.
Provides leadership in the development and implementation of a marketing plan.
Plant & Facilities
Plant & Facilities shall serve as a resource regarding the preparation and implementation of the master plan. Consult and advise the allocation of space and facilities within the College. Report to the Board, at least once a semester, on matters pertaining to space and facilities.
Provides leadership in planning, construction, improvement and expansion of the physical plant of Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Generates and ensures implementation of:
Policies that provide procedures for the maintenance of the plant of Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Policies to provide for the use and disposition of the physical plant
Policies to provide for the security and safety of the physical plant, including environmental concerns and the security of students and staff.
School & Community Affair
Schools & Community Affair shall establish a harmonious multicultural campus and develop, in collaboration with other functional units, highlights of the school such as school tour and open classroom for promotional purposes. To build up a positive image for the school in the long term through regularly disseminating school information and fostering stronger links with different sectors in the community. To assist the school in devising an effective strategy to avail of all possible means of enrolling school-age children at all levels.
Develops methods to bring school and community together through community outreach.
Fosters strong school-community relations through periodic research, compilation of public views and continual assessment of educational needs.
Remains current on Mohammed Schools of Atlanta events and activities.
Establishes ongoing communication with Mohammed Schools of Atlanta staff to encourage effective implementation of learning goals and objectives.
Identifies and remains current of community resources and trends that will aid in the achievement of learning goals and objectives.
Establishes and maintains:
Relationships with other Education Boards.
Communication with other educational institutions, to include Islamic and non-public schools.
The Curriculum team shall coordinate with the school Principal/Director the implementation of a rigorous standards-based curriculum that addresses the needs of students to meet the demands of the 21st century. Our curriculum will be designed to meet the needs of every learner and will be Qu'ranic based using an integrative model. The Curriculum team member will:
Meet with the Principal bi-monthly and curriculum team members to assess the implementation and progress of the curriculum as well as, student attainment/achievement.
Provide research and recommendations for curriculum modifications as needed consistent with internal evaluation and accreditation criteria.
Support professional development opportunities for Principal/Director, teachers and staff aligned to goals and the instructional focus of the school.
Analyze student achievement data, analyze student attainment data and collaborate with the Principal/Director, on annual school improvement planning, execution, and assessment of goals met aligned to the 5-year strategic plan.
Collaborate with other Islamic Schools within the Clara Mohammed/ Mohammed Schools network on instructional and operational best practice for contextual implementation.
Become and remain cognizant of the extent to which the curriculum incorporates Qu’ran, the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), and the tafseer of Imam Mohammed.
Budget & Finance
The Budget & Finance Representative shall oversee the financial management of the school, coordinate fundraising activities, and provide support to the school's Finance Officer. The Budget & Finance Representative ensures the rest of the board members are well versed on important financial issues. The budget and Finance Representative helps coordinate the school's finance committee and serves as the principal liaison between the committee and the full board, and works with the principal to set an agenda for each committee meeting.
Reviews financial reports.
Explains deviations of the budget to the Board.
Reviews on an annual basis the sources of funding for Mohammed Schools of Atlanta in conjunction with preparation of the budget.
Collaborates with school administration team to arrange an annual audit and reports results of audit to the Board.
Oversees the design and implementation of major fundraising and resource development projects and activities.
Provides recommendations to the Board on all financial matters concerning Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Oversees the review and approval of the annual budget prepared by the administration team of Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Recommends tuition rates to the Board.
Ensures accurate tracking, monitoring, and accountability of funds.
Ensures adequate financial controls are operational and maintained.
Oversees review of major grant applications to ensure consistency with the mission of Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Personnel shall provide guidance, oversight, and support to management as it develops and implements employee staffing, performance management and compensation systems.
Establishes and updates protocols to recruit, interview, and assess professional staff for Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Screens, interviews and recommends administrative personnel for hire.
Maintains a resource list of possible candidates for employment.
Makes an updated list of substitute teachers available to administration of Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Conducts annual conferences with administration and staff of the Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Remains current on issues, concerns or events that may require mediation and/or resolution by the Board.
Monitors the acquisition and maintenance of appropriate certification by administration and staff consistent with accreditation standards.
Provides counsel regarding personnel matters with administration and staff of Mohammed Schools of Atlanta.
Get in Touch
Looking to get in touch with the Consultative Board, send us an email with your questions or concerns. We are looking to assure peace of mind at Mohammed Schools of Atlanta between our administration, staff, scholars, parents and community.
Interested in Joining the Board…
Looking to make an impact with Mohammed Schools of Atlanta, then come join the Consultative Board! Positions are available now and Provide us with your information below and we will be in touch!