Principal’s Letter

Parents and Guardians,

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

As we begin this academic year, I am excited to share our school's vision with you, which centers around our theme, "Accelerating Adab, Achievement, and Accountability." Our mission is to make MSOA the #1 Islamic institution in America, but beyond that, we aim to nurture well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically but also embody the values of Adab, or noble conduct.

Adab goes beyond mere manners; it reflects how we conduct ourselves with respect, courtesy, and humility. As ambassadors of our school, your children's behavior reflects on us. Let us work together to instill in them the importance of demonstrating Adab not only within the school but also in their daily lives outside these walls. Let's encourage them to show kindness and compassion to one another, and to treat EVERYBODY with the dignity they deserve.

Achievement is the cornerstone of our school's mission, and we are dedicated to fostering both academic and spiritual growth in our students. I urge our scholars to set high academic standards for themselves, to embrace the learning process with curiosity, and to never shy away from asking questions. Remember that success is not just about reaching a destination, but about the journey of self-discovery and continuous improvement.

Accountability is crucial for our collective success as a community. Each one of us – students, teachers, and staff members – plays a vital role in shaping the culture and environment of our school. It is essential for all of us to take ownership of our actions and decisions, and to always strive to do our best. Together, we can build an environment of trust, responsibility, and shared commitment to our vision.

As parents and guardians, your involvement is invaluable to us. We empower our Student Majlis to actively participate in shaping the school's culture and environment. Your children's voices matter, and we encourage them to share their ideas and work together to make our school a place where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and excited to attend every day.

Our ultimate goal is not just to achieve prestige but to create an environment where our students THRIVE academically, spiritually, and emotionally. We are optimistic about the possibilities that lie ahead, and we believe that with unity, dedication, and hard work, we can achieve our dream of becoming the #1 Islamic school in America.

We are blessed with the gift of education from Allah, and it is our responsibility to use it to uplift ourselves and those around us. As we strive for excellence, let us also remember to be grateful for the opportunities we have and to always seek Allah's guidance and blessings.

This academic year, we have hope! Together, let's accelerate Adab, Achievement, and Accountability. Let's make MSOA a place where every scholar eagerly awaits each day, excited to learn, grow, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

We look forward to partnering with you on this journey, and I pray that Allah blesses us all with success and fulfillment.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan,

Khalil Ali


Mohammed Schools of Atlanta


Letter from IPTA President, Samaiyah Wazeerud-Din


Count Me In Making Headway!